I will make this page cute later.
- personal (stuff to do with me)
- about page (me & my website we're sticking together)
- old haircuts (I like my records despite never even dyeing my hair)
- clothing showcase (look at my sweaters boy)
- calendiary (notes from day to day)
- photos (digicam shares)
- ambitions (short and long term goals)
- Halloween costumes (archive and future plans)
- dream log (my dreams and dreams about me)
- collections (compiling stuff and things)
- images (straight forward)
- words (straight forward)
- pets (animals of mine and others)
- soup (straight forward)
- creations (stuff i've made)
- favourites
- albums
- vinyls I own (this is technically a collection but oh well)
- media (all my little shrines to shows/movies/sites/books I love)
- food (rankings and reviews)
- other links