
about me

about pages are the bane of my existence yet I always insist on having one. I think it's just because I love to click on and snoop through other people's about pages.

I'm just some guy but a girl. I love the computer and I hate my phone. I like the allure of writing in all lower case but I work in an office and most of the time my email-writing habits win. I cycle through a lot of interests and hobbies. above all I love making lists. i dunno. I feel like if you want to know more about me you can just click around!

about my site

started January 8th 2025 ✮⋆˙

this site was love-hatingly crafted by haphazardly frankensteining pre-made CSS templates with various code snippets from around the web, relying on a coding knowledge basis developed solely on neopets dot com and therefore often in line with their limitations and filters, made entirely using only realtimehtml.com and google docs. In case you couldn’t tell.

I've been doing basic HTML and customizing premade CSS layouts since I was eight, across neopets, piczo, and tumblr. I started enjoying it more around 2023 while upgrading some neopets pages, when it finally started to feel less like random guessing and more like proper puzzle solving everytime I managed to get a layout to look how I wanted. At the same time more and more social media sites were feeling completely unusable and miserable to log into, and I figured it was time to just make my own little site for whatever my needs are.

I want this site to be a unique place for keeping my logs of various aspects of my life, but I also want it to be an exercise in freedom. I want to be forced to not only tolerate my ugly first drafts but also share them with whoever may stumble by. I want to become unafraid of my own opinions, I want to remember how it feels to pay attention, and I want to learn what I want, collecting and creating as I go. And above all, I DON’T WANNA GO ON INSTAGRAM ANYMORE !!!

ant graveyard (also called a midden or ant cemetery):
a designated area outside the nest where ants carry out and lay their dead. many species have specific workers in charge of dead and waste disposal. this process is called necrophoresis.