The Ragtag Crokabek Crew

the crew (plus some guy)

This group of five travelers formed sort of by accident over time but have stuck tightly together ever since. They consider themselves an official Fellowship of sorts, despite the fact that they wander aimlessly and have never had a mission that lasted longer than two days due to their low attention spans. Named after the time a passing Crokabek took a poo on Baysko's head and everyone thought it as really funny.

image list
  • got cute avatar
  • got bronze trophy in hasee bounce
  • acquired baby PB
  • salty gumball
  • petpet
  • stamp
Wiwaxia's affinity has been a matter of debate: researchers were long split between two possibilities. On the one hand, its rows of scales looked superficially similar to certain scale worms (annelids); conversely, its mouthparts and general morphology suggested a relationship to the shell-less molluscs. More recently, evidence for a molluscan affinity has been compiling, based on new details of Wiwaxia's mouthparts, scales, and growth history. The proposed clade Halwaxiida contains Wiwaxia as well as several similar Cambrian animals.

wishlist or something
Volcanic Rock Pfish Nautilus Trilo Bite Cubett
Icy Hot Berry Obsidian Dagger Polished Rock Cartography for Beginners Caramel Volcano Cake
Primella Rock Tree Heart Shaped Sand Sculpture Rockfish Iceberg Sundae

Volcanic Rock Pfish
Icy Hot Berry Obsidian Dagger
Primella Rock Tree

Volcanic Rock Pfish Nautilus
Icy Hot Berry Obsidian Dagger Polished Rock
Primella Rock Tree Heart Shaped Sand Sculpture

Body Wiwaxia was bilaterally symmetrical; viewed from the top the body was elliptical with no distinct head or tail, and from the front or rear it was almost rectangular. It reached 5 centimetres (2.0 in) in length. Estimating their height is difficult because specimens were compressed after death; a typical specimen may have been 1 centimetre (0.39 in) high excluding the spines on their backs. The ratio of width to length does not appear to change as the animals grew.
not sure what you'd use this for but here it is
another one
etc etc etc
here's another row i guess
Wiwaxia's flat underside was soft and unarmored; most of the surface was occupied by a slug-like foot. Little is known of the internal anatomy, although the gut apparently ran straight and all the way from the front to the rear. At the front end of the
thievery, gambling, & accidental leadership
26 years old
Species & Colour
Brown Xweetok
Leader, thief, stealth fighter
‣ charisma
‣ sneak attacks
‣ impulsive
‣ gambling addiction
‣ winning
‣ fire
‣ staying on the move
‣ orders
‣ promises
‣ being mistaken for a Wocky
  • Punkin and Bumkin
Baysko is the official unofficial leader of the Ragtag Crokabek Gang. Like, she's definitely the leader, but it's sort of an unspoken thing, and even though Mazalle actually thinks it's herself who's the leader, it's really always been Baysko. She's rash and witty and quick to action, often to a fault. She has a mild gambling problem when it comes to Food Club and stans Gooblah the Grarrl. She's used to having to be very street smart and self-sufficient, but she has to admit that it's nice not being alone for the first time in a long time.

Planning My Death by Bomb the Music Industry!

Reference Image

Baysko hails from a small Meridellian town where her parents ran a failing farm on tainted land. They never thought much of their only daughter. Money was tight, food was scarce and only getting scarcer with each crop cycle. They had larger concerns than their kid who didn't know how to behave and didn't show any interest in salvaging their livelihood. So Baysko left when she was a little too young, and tried to make a life for herself based on odd jobs and lucky breaks.

art (drag for better view)
Angy Baysko Lookup Art Vulnerability
Baysko & Mazalle by faerierainbow3 :Dby xaziul (offsite)

Baysko met Valdorik (some kind of way some kind of place I dunnno I'll think on it). They teamed up because Baysko figured an airhead is a better partner than someone clever enough to attempt to double cross you. Plus a magic user makes things like starting fires and fending off creatures a lot more doable on a lot less (of her) energy. Plus things were just slightly more fun when she wasn't on her own.

he doesn't know what's going on but he WILL be looking good
27 years old
Species & Colour
Split Draik
Wizard, Fashionista
⋆ magic potential
⋆ loyalty
⋆ incompetent
⋆ short attention span
⋆ having fun
⋆ boots
⋆ glitter
⋆ people being indirect
⋆ cold weather
⋆ cheap things
  • Willamson & Rainblug one day :')
Valdorik simply does not know what is going on at any given moment. He could be an extremely powerful wizard if he took like two seconds to try and hone his abilities, but much like the rest of his little group he would prefer to shirk his potential and just have a good time with his pals. He's a little vapid and self-absorbed, but he does truly care about those around him. One thing about Valdorick is he WILL be wearing the most stylish and/or outlandish boots you've ever seen.
The Other Side of Rainbow by Gogol Bordello

Reference Image

Valdorik's mother was an extraordinarily powerful mage whose resume boasts feats such as imprisoning ancient spirits and one-shotting those who dare challenge her. Valdorik inherited much of her power and none of her drive.
(reference image)

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art Lookup Art art
art art art

Valdorik met Baysko blah blah.
she loves to lie
24 years old
Species & Colour
Royal Lupe
Bard, Reader & Writer
❧ deception
❧ staying level-headed
❧ selfish
❧ apathetic
❧ making music
❧ herbs
❧ summer
❧ responsibility
❧ nobility
❧ broken strings
  • Leo and eventual Pinchit
Jynlio kinda just appeared outta nowhere one day and started tagging along with the group. No one really complained because she ended up being super chill and pretty good at a variety of musical instruments, and everyone liked having the background music. Her nonchalant demeanor aside, it turns out she's actually a Princess who was supposed to be next in line for the throne in a nearby kingdom who peaced it out of apathy and laziness and left pure chaos in her wake. She's trying not to think about that right now though, she's just trying to play tunes and see the world with her new buds.

Post Party Depression by Night Gaunts

Reference Image

Baysko hails from a small Meridellian town where her parents ran a failing farm on tainted land. They never thought much of their only daughter. Money was tight, food was scarce and only getting scarcer with each crop cycle. They had larger concerns than their kid who didn't know how to behave and didn't show any interest in salvaging their livelihood. So Baysko left when she was a little too young, and tried to make a life for herself based on odd jobs and lucky breaks.

art (drag for better view)
Simple Ref Lookup Art Vulnerability
By my friend Paige :) Old lookup by faerierainbow3 :D

Jynlio kinda just appeared outta nowhere one day and started tagging along with the group. No one really complained because she ended up being super chill and pretty good at a variety of musical instruments, and everyone liked having the background music. Her nonchalant demeanor aside, it turns out she's actually a Princess who was supposed to be next in line for the throne in a nearby kingdom who peaced it out of apathy and laziness and left pure chaos in her wake. She's trying not to think about that right now though, she's just trying to play tunes and see the world with her new buds. I adopted Jynlio from a pc UFQA board. She was Electric when I got her, then painted biscuit for a minute, then she also sat around a while until I finally worked out her deal and painted her royal! ✩ Birthday: July 7 ♪ Song: Post Party Depression by Night Gaunts

the sword and sharp shooter
30 years old
Species & Colour
Skunk Kyrii
Melee Fighter, Ranged Fighter, Hug Giver
↣ ripped as hell
↣ brave
↣ not perceptive
↣ naive
↣ cooking
↣ physical affection
↣ doing the right thing
↣ perceived cowardice
↣ bad customer service
↣ borovan
  • Thimble and soon Flankin
Mazalle recruited the group for back up on a job one day and then they just never really left. appears very "rough 'n tough" on the surface but she is ultimately a very gentle soul. She's got a very pure heart and puts a lot of emphasis on her and the gang's moral compass (despite everyone else clearly having a much lower standard). She's very touchy and huggy with everyone, but is also an immensely powerful swordsman & archer. Her abilities are probably wasted on the gang's very low-stakes adventures but at least she's having fun.

Breaking Even by Larry and his Flask
Reference Image

Baysko hails from a small Meridellian town where her parents ran a failing farm on tainted land. They never thought much of their only daughter. Money was tight, food was scarce and only getting scarcer with each crop cycle. They had larger concerns than their kid who didn't know how to behave and didn't show any interest in salvaging their livelihood. So Baysko left when she was a little too young, and tried to make a life for herself based on odd jobs and lucky breaks.
art (drag for better view)
Simple Ref Lookup Art Baysko & Mazalle
by virlii :D by beetcavy (offsite) Art

Mazalle recruited the group for back up on a job one day and then they just never really left. appears very "rough 'n tough" on the surface but she is ultimately a very gentle soul. She's got a very pure heart and puts a lot of emphasis on her and the gang's moral compass (despite everyone else clearly having a much lower standard). She's very touchy and huggy with everyone, but is also an immensely powerful swordsman & archer. Her abilities are probably wasted on the gang's very low-stakes adventures but at least she's having fun. Mazalle was a rare occurrence where I came up with a character first and then worked out a pet around that. I wanted a species & colour I'd never owned before and landed on Skunk Kyrii. I got Mazalle through Lost and Pound in 2020 and morphed her right away! ✩ Birthday: April 27 ♪ Song: Breaking Even by Larry and His Flask

and who could forget dear ratboy
??? years old
Species & Colour
Mutant Xweetok
The Wild Card
↬ chewing
↬ clawing
↬ lazy
↬ unpredictable
↬ dirt
↬ being nude
↬ running
↬ noise
↬ bedtime
↬ money

  • Creature and Freak
There's no way to say this without being demeaning, but Shrewlet is like the gang's wacky pet. She's on her own rules and schedule and does as she pleases since she had a rough upbringing. She walks around naked all the time because she hates the clothing options for Mutants. The rest of the gang is surprised she hasn't fully gone rogue and disappeared into the night yet, but they're glad she's stuck around. I'd owned another mutant Xweetok long ago but adopted her out after losing interest and needing space. The new pet slots made my old dreams reality again and I decided I needed a little rat baby once more in 2020. I had to wait out an inflation attempt for the potion, but was gald I did because the patience allowed me to later find this perfect name through Lost and Pound.

Dark Days by PUP
Reference Image

Baysko hails from a small Meridellian town where her parents ran a failing farm on tainted land. They never thought much of their only daughter. Money was tight, food was scarce and only getting scarcer with each crop cycle. They had larger concerns than their kid who didn't know how to behave and didn't show any interest in salvaging their livelihood. So Baysko left when she was a little too young, and tried to make a life for herself based on odd jobs and lucky breaks.
art (drag for better view)
Art Lookup Art by faerierainbow3 :)
Art Art Art

There's no way to say this without being demeaning, but Shrewlet is like the gang's wacky pet. She's on her own rules and schedule and does as she pleases since she had a rough upbringing. She walks around naked all the time because she hates the clothing options for Mutants. The rest of the gang is surprised she hasn't fully gone rogue and disappeared into the night yet, but they're glad she's stuck around. I'd owned another mutant Xweetok long ago but adopted her out after losing interest and needing space. The new pet slots made my old dreams reality again and I decided I needed a little rat baby once more in 2020. I had to wait out an inflation attempt for the potion, but was gald I did because the patience allowed me to later find this perfect name through Lost and Pound. ✩ Birthday: October 21 ♪ Song: Dark Days by PUP

Sir Walurbie
ugh, not THIS guy again
Sir Walurbie
29 years old
Species & Colour
Royal Meerca
He doesn't go here
➢ holding grudges
➢ having a goatee
➢ irrelevant
➢ everyone hates him
➢ feeling tall
➢ revenge
➢ hearing himself talk
➢ fiends
➢ scoundrels
➢ knaves
  • Umiez and shortly a Greevix
Sir Walurbie is a nuisance. At some point during their travels, the Ragtag Crokabek Crew drew the ire of a low-tier nobleman of a small kingdom. They don't even remember what they did. But Sir Walurbie remembers. As a result he's made it his mission to follow the gang around and present himself as a mild inconvenience that they have to deal with before they can get on with enjoying themselves again. They usually just kinda beat him up and leave him wherever he found them, but he always comes back. Walurbie is named after a Lupe I owned for years but had adopted out after needing space. I was reminiscing about him and wanted to bring him back somehow, and a rival to the gang felt like a fun niche to fill. I wanted a species I'd never owned before and couldn't resist the swag of the RB Meerca.

need his song...
Reference Image

Baysko hails from a small Meridellian town where her parents ran a failing farm on tainted land. They never thought much of their only daughter. Money was tight, food was scarce and only getting scarcer with each crop cycle. They had larger concerns than their kid who didn't know how to behave and didn't show any interest in salvaging their livelihood. So Baysko left when she was a little too young, and tried to make a life for herself based on odd jobs and lucky breaks.
art (drag for better view)
art Lookup Art art
by soycowboy :D soycowboy again :D art

Sir Walurbie is a nuisance. At some point during their travels, the Ragtag Crokabek Crew drew the ire of a low-tier nobleman of a small kingdom. They don't even remember what they did. But Sir Walurbie remembers. As a result he's made it his mission to follow the gang around and present himself as a mild inconvenience that they have to deal with before they can get on with enjoying themselves again. They usually just kinda beat him up and leave him wherever he found them, but he always comes back. Walurbie is named after a Lupe I owned for years but had adopted out after needing space. I was reminiscing about him and wanted to bring him back somehow, and a rival to the gang felt like a fun niche to fill. I wanted a species I'd never owned before and couldn't resist the swag of the RB Meerca. ✩ Birthday: September 10 ♪ Song: I dunno by someone

there's more Baskae is Baysko's home-town cousin turned estranged bail-out. Despite the fact they haven't spoken directly in years, Baysko can expect to find a sack of neopoints when she's most desperate for it left stealthily by Baskae, much to her irritation. She's not irritated enough to not take the money though.
(art by soycowboy)

Tsirokos is a ranch keeper who lets the gang stay at his place now and then. He's not used to having so many guests at once, but he steps up to the challenge of being a good host for them, even though he really doesn't have to.

being mistaken for a Wocky (not that there's anything wrong with that.
animal was covered in eight rows of small ribbed armor plates called sclerites; these lay flat against the body, overlapped so that the rear of one covered the front of the one behind, and formed five main regions — the top; the upper part of the sides; the lower part of the sides; the front; and the bottom. Most of the sclerites were shaped like oval leaves, but the ventro-lateral ones, nearest the sea-floor, were crescent-shaped, rather like flattened bananas, and formed a single row. Larger specimens (greater than ~15mm) bear two rows of ribbed spines running from front to rear, one along each side of the top surface, and projecting out and slightly upwards, with a slight upwards curve near the tips.
(reference image)

art (drag for better view)
Angy Baysko Lookup Art Vulnerability
Baysko & Mazalle by faerierainbow3 :Dby xaziul (offsite)

Although the spines in the middle of each row are usually the longest, up to 5 centimetres (2.0 in) long, a few specimens have rather short middle spines that represent part-grown replacements.

Each sclerite was rooted separately in the body; the roots of body sclerites are 40% of the external length or a little less, while the roots of the spines are a little over 25% of the external length; all were rooted in pockets in the skin, rather like the follicles of mammalian hair. The roots of the body sclerites were significantly narrower than the sclerites, but the spines had roots about as wide as their bases; both types of root were made of fairly soft tissue. They bore protrusive, presumably structural, ribs on their upper and (seemingly) lower surfaces.:544 The sclerites and spines were not mineralized, but made of a tough organic (carbon-based) biopolymer. Butterfield (1990) examined some sclerites under both optical and scanning electron microscopes and concluded that they were not hollow, and that the bases split and spread to form the blades, a pattern that is also seen in monocot leaves. The sclerites bear an internal fabric of longitudinal chambers, which suggest that they were secreted from their bases in the manner of Lophotrochozoan sclerites.